Our design works a little different.

The two part head is much simpler than other puller assemblies

Easy to use. After a quick lesson, you will be ready to use the VET Seat Pulling Equipment.

Here is a cross section of the seat puller being inserted into a seat.

-The seat puller is collapsed to allow for insertion.

-After insertion, the seat puller expands into the seat.

-The allthread can be inserted after the seat puller expands fully into the seat.  

This shows the allthread fully threaded into the seat.

-The seat is only ready for extraction after the allthread is fully tightened into the seat puller head.

-A simple "shake" at the top of the allthread will reveal whether the seat puller is engaged or not.

-Continue to tighten until the allthread no longer moves side to side.

-The seat is ready for the application of hydraulic pressure to the allthread.

Available soon

We are currently measuring demand. We will be taking orders soon. Please contact us to give us information about your application.